Legal notice

credativ GmbH hereby expressly declares that no illegal content was identified on linked sites at the time the link was established. Unfortunately, credativ GmbH has no influence on the current and future layout, contents, or authorship of linked sites. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from the contents of linked sites that were changed after the link was established. This statement applies to links and references provided within our own internet offer. The website provider is solely responsible for illegal, false, or incomplete contents, and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided. Our internet offer refers solely to the relevant publication.

Company name, trademark
The name credativ is a registered trademark of credativ GmbH. The credativ GmbH logo and the Open Source Support Center logo are legally protected design marks.

All company and product names, brand names, and trademarks potentially protected by third-party rights are subject to the applicable trademark law and the title of the relevant owner without restriction and are hereby expressly recognized.

This disclaimer is an integral part of the credativ GmbH internet offer. If individual formulations or parts of this text no longer, or no longer completely, comply with the relevant legal situation, the remaining parts of this declaration remain unaffected.