credativ® Blog

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Tag: PostgreSQL®

14 February 2018

Elephant Shed in a Vagrant box

Elephant Shed is now available as a Vagrant box. This makes it very easy to test and try out the PostgreSQL® appliance. Vagrant is an Open Source tool for creating portable virtual software environments. By being fully script controlled Vagrant makes it easy to generate virtual machines, in which a software component is installed for […]

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20 October 2017

credativ PostgreSQL Appliance 'Elephant Shed' released

The credativ PostgreSQL® Appliance is now available for download as a completely free Open Source solution. The new appliance called ‘Elephant Shed PostgreSQL® Appliance‘ offers a tremendous ease of use for enterprise PostgreSQL® operations. The long-term maintenance of the appliance will be handled by the PostgreSQL® experts of credativ. Prepared images for the major cloud […]

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