credativ® Blog

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10 August 2015

[Howto] Icinga2 with Graphite and Grafana on Debian

In this post we describe how to integrate Icinga2 with Graphite and Grafana on Debian stable (jessie). What is Graphite? Graphite stores performance data on a configurable period. Via a defined interface, services can send metrics to Graphite, which are then stored for the designated period. Possible examples of the type of metrics that it […]

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31 March 2010

[Howto] Debian Preseed mit Netboot

The vast majority of Debian installations are simplified with the use of Preseeding and Netboot. Friedrich Weber, a school student on a work experience placement with us at our German office has observed the process and captured it in a Howto here: Imagine the following situation: you find yourself with ten to twenty brand new […]

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25 February 2010

[Howto] Introduction to Puppet

The administration of a large number of servers can be quite tiresome without a central configuration management. This article gives a first introduction into the configuration management tool, Puppet. Introduction In our daily work at the Open Source Support Center we maintain a large number of servers. Managing larger clusters or setups means maintaining dozens […]

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