11 October 2024

Migrating from Redis to Valkey: A Guide to the Future of In-Memory Key-Value Databases

Categories: HowTos


Redis is a widely popular in-memory key-value high-performance database, which can also be used as a cache and message broker. It has been a go-to choice for many due to its performance and versatility. Many cloud providers offer Redis-based solutions:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
  • Microsoft Azure – Azure Cache for Redis
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) – Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis

However, due to recent changes in the licensing model of Redis, its prominence and usage are changing. Redis was initially developed under the open-source BSD license, allowing developers to freely use, modify and distribute the source code for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. As a result, Redis quickly gained popularity in the developer community.

But, Redis has recently changed to a dual source-available license. To be precise, in the future, it will be available under RSALv2 (Redis Source Available License Version 2) or SSPLv1 (Server Side Public License Version 1), commercial use requires individual agreements, potentially increasing costs for cloud service providers. For a detailed overview of these changes, refer to the Redis licensing page. Based on the Redis Community Edition, the source code will remain freely available for developers, customers and partners of the company. However, cloud service providers and others who want to use Redis as part of commercial offerings will have to make individual agreements with the provider.

Due to these recent changes in Redis’s licensing model, many developers and organizations are re-evaluating their in-memory key-value database choices. Valkey, an open-source fork of Redis, maintains the high performance and versatility while ensuring unrestricted use for both developers and commercial entities. The Linux Foundation forked the project and contributors are now supporting the Valkey project. More information can be found here and here. Its commitment to open-source principles has gained support from major cloud providers, including AWS. Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced “AWS is committed to supporting open source Valkey for the long term“, more information can be found here. So it may be the right time to switch the infrastructure from Redis to Valkey.

In this article, we will set up a Valkey instance with TLS and outline the steps to migrate your data from Redis seamlessly.

Overview of possible migration approaches

In general, there are several approaches to migrate:

  1. Reuse the database file
    In this approach, Redis is shutted down to update the rdb file on disk and Valkey will be started using this file in its data directory.
  2. Use REPLICAOF to connect Valkey to the Redis instance
    Register the new Valkey instance as a replica of a Redis master to stream the data. The Valkey instance and its network must be able to reach the Redis service.
  3. Automated data migration to Valkey
    Scripting the migration can be used on a machine that can reach both the Redis and Valkey databases.

In this bog article, we encounter that direct access to the file system of the Redis server in the cloud is not feasible to reuse the database file and that the Valkey service and Redis service are in different networks and cannot reach themselves for setting up a replica. As a result, we choose the third option and run an automated data migration script on a different machine, which can connect to both servers and transfer the data.

Setup of Valkey

In case you are using a cloud service, please consult their instructions how to setup a Valkey instance. Since it is a new project there are only a few distributions, which provides ready-to-use packages like Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9 via Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL). In this blog post, we use an on-premises Debian 12 server to host the Valkey server in version 7.2.6 with TLS . Please consult your distribution guides to install Valkey or use the manual provided on GitHub. The migration itself with be done by a Python 3 script using TLS.

Start the server and establish a client connection:

In this bog article, we will use a server with the listed TLS parameters. We specify all used TLS parameters including port 0 to disable the non-TLS port completely:

$ valkey-server --tls-port 6379 --port 0 --tls-cert-file ./tls/redis.crt --tls-key-file ./tls/redis.key --tls-ca-cert-file ./tls/ca.crt

        .+########+########+.           Valkey 7.2.6 (579cca5f/0) 64 bit
    .+########+'     '+########+.                                    
 .########+'     .+.     '+########.    Running in standalone mode
 |####+'     .+#######+.     '+####|    Port: 6379
 |###|   .+###############+.   |###|    PID: 436767                     
 |###|   |#####*'' ''*#####|   |###|                                 
 |###|   |####'  .-.  '####|   |###|                                 
 |###|   |###(  (@@@)  )###|   |###|          https://valkey.io      
 |###|   |####.  '-'  .####|   |###|                                 
 |###|   |#####*.   .*#####|   |###|                                 
 |###|   '+#####|   |#####+'   |###|                                 
 |####+.     +##|   |#+'     .+####|                                 
 '#######+   |##|        .+########'                                 
    '+###|   |##|    .+########+'                                    
        '|   |####+########+'                                        

436767:M 27 Aug 2024 16:08:56.058 * Server initialized
436767:M 27 Aug 2024 16:08:56.058 * Loading RDB produced by valkey version 7.2.6
436767:M 27 Aug 2024 16:08:56.058 * Ready to accept connections tls

Now it is time to test the connection with a client using TLS:

$ valkey-cli --tls --cert ./tls/redis.crt --key ./tls/redis.key --cacert ./tls/ca.crt -p 6379> INFO SERVER
# Server

Automated data migration to Valkey

Finally, we migrate the data in this example using a Python 3 script. This Python script establishes connections to both the Redis source and Valkey target databases, fetches all the keys from the Redis database and creates or updates each key-value pair in the Valkey database. This approach is not off the shelf and uses the redis-py library, which provides a list of examples. By using Python 3 the process could even be extended to filter unwanted data, alter values to be suitable for the new environment or by adding sanity checks. The script, which is used here, provides progress updates during the migration process:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import redis

# Connect to the Redis source database, which is password protected, via IP and port
redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, password='secret', db=0)

# Connect to the Valkey target database, which is using TLS
valkey_client = redis.Redis(

# Fetch all keys from the Redis database
keys = redis_client.keys('*')
print("Found", len(keys), "Keys in Source!")

# Migrate each key-value pair to the Valkey database
for counter, key in enumerate(keys):
    value = redis_client.get(key)
    valkey_client.set(key, value)
    print("Status: ", round((counter+1) / len(keys) * 100, 1), "%", end='\r')

To start the process execute the script:

$ python3 redis_to_tls_valkey.py
Found 569383 Keys in Source!
Status: 100.0 %

As a last step, configure your application to connect to the new Valkey server.


Since the change of Redis’ license, the new project Valkey is gaining more and more attraction. Migrating to Valkey ensures continued access to a robust, open-source in-memory database without the licensing restrictions of Redis. Whether you’re running your infrastructure on-premises or in the cloud, this guide provides the steps needed for a successful migration. Migrating from a cloud instance to a new environment can be cumbersome, because of no direct file access or isolated networks. Depending on these circumstances, we used a Python script, which is a flexible way to implement various steps to master the task.

If you find this guide helpful and in case you need support to migrate your databases, feel free to contact us. We like to support you on-premises or in cloud environments.

























Categories: HowTos


About the author

Tobias Kauder

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