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Patroni is a PostgreSQL high availability solution with a focus on containers and Kubernetes. Until recently, the available Debian packages had to be configured manually and did not integrate well with the rest of the distribution. For the upcoming Debian 10 “Buster” release, the Patroni packages have been integrated into Debian’s standard PostgreSQL framework by credativ. They now allow for an easy setup of Patroni clusters on Debian or Ubuntu.

Patroni employs a “Distributed Consensus Store” (DCS) like Etcd, Consul or Zookeeper in order to reliably run a leader election and orchestrate automatic failover. It further allows for scheduled switchovers and easy cluster-wide changes to the configuration. Finally, it provides a REST interface that can be used together with HAProxy in order to build a load balancing solution. Due to these advantages Patroni has gradually replaced Pacemaker as the go-to open-source project for PostgreSQL high availability.

However, many of our customers run PostgreSQL on Debian or Ubuntu systems and so far Patroni did not integrate well into those. For example, it does not use the postgresql-common framework and its instances were not displayed in pg_lsclusters output as usual.

Integration into Debian

In a collaboration with Patroni lead developer Alexander Kukushkin from Zalando the Debian Patroni package has been integrated into the postgresql-common framework to a large extent over the last months. This was due to changes both in Patroni itself as well as additional programs in the Debian package. The current Version 1.5.5 of Patroni contains all these changes and is now available in Debian “Buster” (testing) in order to setup Patroni clusters.

The packages are also available on and thus installable on Debian 9 “Stretch” and Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver” LTS for any PostgreSQL version from 9.4 to 11.

The most important part of the integration is the automatic generation of a suitable Patroni configuration with the pg_createconfig_patroni command. It is run similar to pg_createcluster with the desired PostgreSQL major version and the instance name as parameters:

pg_createconfig_patroni 11 test

This invocation creates a file /etc/patroni/11-test.yml, using the DCS configuration from /etc/patroni/dcs.yml which has to be adjusted according to the local setup. The rest of the configuration is taken from the template /etc/patroni/ which is usable in itself but can be customized by the user according to their needs. Afterwards the Patroni instance is started via systemd similar to regular PostgreSQL instances:

systemctl start patroni@11-test

A simple 3-node Patroni cluster can be created and started with the following few commands, where the nodes pg1, pg2 and pg3 are considered to be hostnames and the local file dcs.yml contains the DCS configuration:

for i in pg1 pg2 pg3; do ssh $i 'apt -y install postgresql-common'; done
for i in pg1 pg2 pg3; do ssh $i 'sed -i "s/^#create_main_cluster = true/create_main_cluster = false/" /etc/postgresql-common/createcluster.conf'; done
for i in pg1 pg2 pg3; do ssh $i 'apt -y install patroni postgresql'; done
for i in pg1 pg2 pg3; do scp ./dcs.yml $i:/etc/patroni; done
for i in pg1 pg2 pg3; do ssh @$i 'pg_createconfig_patroni 11 test' && systemctl start patroni@11-test'; done

Afterwards, you can get the state of the Patroni cluster via

ssh pg1 'patronictl -c /etc/patroni/11-patroni.yml list'
| Cluster | Member |    Host    |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg1   | | Leader | running |  1 |           |
| 11-test |  pg2   |  |        | stopped |    |   unknown |
| 11-test |  pg3   |  |        | stopped |    |   unknown |

Leader election has happened and pg1 has become the primary. It created its instance with the Debian-specific pg_createcluster_patroni program that runs pg_createcluster in the background. Then the two other nodes clone from the leader using the pg_clonecluster_patroni program which sets up an instance using pg_createcluster and then runs pg_basebackup from the primary. After that, all nodes are up and running:

| Cluster | Member |    Host    |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg1   | | Leader | running |  1 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg2   |  |        | running |  1 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg3   |  |        | running |  1 |         0 |

The well-known Debian postgresql-common commands work as well:

ssh pg1 'pg_lsclusters'
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner    Data directory                 Log file
11  test    5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/11/test    /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-test.log

Failover Behaviour

If the primary is abruptly shutdown, its leader token will expire after a while and Patroni will eventually initiate failover and a new leader election:

| Cluster | Member |    Host   | Role |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg2   | |      | running |  1 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg3   | |      | running |  1 |         0 |
| Cluster | Member |    Host   |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg2   | | Leader | running |  2 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg3   | |        | running |  1 |         0 |
| Cluster | Member |    Host   |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg2   | | Leader | running |  2 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg3   | |        | running |  2 |         0 |

The old primary will rejoin the cluster as standby once it is restarted:

| Cluster | Member |    Host    |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg1   | |        | running |    |   unknown |
| 11-test |  pg2   |  | Leader | running |  2 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg3   |  |        | running |  2 |         0 |
| Cluster | Member |    Host    |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test |  pg1   | |        | running |  2 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg2   |  | Leader | running |  2 |         0 |
| 11-test |  pg3   |  |        | running |  2 |         0 |

If a clean rejoin is not possible due to additional transactions on the old timeline the old primary gets re-cloned from the current leader. In case the data is too large for a quick re-clone, pg_rewind can be used. In this case a password needs to be set for the postgres user and regular database connections (as opposed to replication connections) need to be allowed between the cluster nodes.

Creation of additional Instances

It is also possible to create further clusters with pg_createconfig_patroni, one can either assign a PostgreSQL port explicitly via the --port option, or let pg_createconfig_patroni assign the next free port as is known from pg_createcluster:

for i in pg1 pg2 pg3; do ssh $i 'pg_createconfig_patroni 11 test2 && systemctl start patroni@11-test2'; done
ssh pg1 'patronictl -c /etc/patroni/11-test2.yml list'
| Cluster  | Member |       Host      |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
| 11-test2 |  pg1   | | Leader | running |  1 |         0 |
| 11-test2 |  pg2   | |        | running |  1 |         0 |
| 11-test2 |  pg3   | |        | running |  1 |         0 |

Ansible Playbook

In order to easily deploy a 3-node Patroni cluster we have created an Ansible playbook on Github. It automates the installation and configuration of PostgreSQL and Patroni on the three nodes, as well as the DCS server on a fourth node.

Questions and Help

Do you have any questions or need help? Feel free to write to

In this post we describe how to integrate Icinga2 with Graphite and Grafana on Debian stable (jessie).

What is Graphite?

Graphite stores performance data on a configurable period. Via a defined interface, services can send metrics to Graphite, which are then stored for the designated period. Possible examples of the type of metrics that it might be useful for are CPU utilization or traffic of a web server. Graphs can be generated from the various metrics via the integrated web interface in Graphite. This allows changes in values to be observed across different time periods. A good example of where this type of trend analysis could be useful is monitoring levels on a hard drive. By using a Trend Graph, it’s clear to see the growth rate of the footprint and anticipate when an exchange of storage will become necessary.

What is Grafana?

Graphite does have a private web interface but it is neither attractive nor flexible. This is where Grafana comes in.

Grafana is a frontend for various storage metrics, supporting Graphite, InfluxDB and OpenTSDB, among others. Grafana offers an intuitive interface through which you can create graphs to represent the metrics and a variety of functions to optimise their appearance and presentation. The graphs can then be summarized in dashboards; you can also opt to display one from a specific host only, through parameterization.

Installation of Icinga2

Here we describe the only installation which is essential for Graphite. Icinga2 packages in the current version of Debian can be obtained directly from Debmon projekt.
At the Debmon project up to date versions of the different monitoring tools software for the different Debian releases are provided by the official Debian package maintainers. To include these packages, use the following commands:

# add debmon
cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debmon.list
deb debmon-jessie main

# add debmon key
wget -O - 2>/dev/null | apt-key add -

# update repos
apt-get update

Finally we can install Icinga2:

apt-get install icinga2

Installation of Graphite and Graphite-Web

Once Icinga2 is installed, Graphite and Graphite-Web can also be installed.

# install packages for icinga2 and graphite-web and carbon

apt-get install icinga2 graphite-web graphite-carbon libapache2-mod-wsgi apache2

Configuration of Icinga2 with Graphit

Icinga2 must be configured so that all defined metrics are exported to Graphite. The Graphite component receives this data called “Carbon”. In our sample installation Carbon runs on the same host as Icinga2 and uses the default port, meaning no further configuration of Icinga2 is necessary – it is enough to export on.

To do this, simply enter the command: icinga2 feature enable graphite
Subsequently Icinga2 must be restarted: service icinga2 restart

If the Carbon Server is running on a different host or a different port, the configuration of the file /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/graphite.conf Icinga2 should be adjusted. Details can be found in the Icinga2 documentation.

If the configuration was successful, then after a short time a number of files should appear in “/var/lib/graphite/whisper/icinga“. If they don’t, then you should take a look in the log file of Icinga2 (located in “/var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log“)

Configuration of Graphite – Web

Grafana uses the frontend of Graphite as an interface for the stored metrics of Graphite so correct configuration of Graphite-web is very important. For performance reasons, we operate Graphite-web as a WSGI module. A number of configuration steps are necessary:

  1. First, we create a user database for Graphite-web. Since we will not have many users, at this point we use SQLite as the backend for our user data. We do this using the following commands which initialize the user database and transfer ownership to the user under which the Web front-end runs:
    graphite-manage syncdb
    chown _graphite:_graphite /var/lib/graphite/graphite.db
  2. Then we activate the WSGI module in Apache: a2enmod wsgi
  3. For simplicity the web interface should run in a separate virtual host and on its own port. So that Apache listens to this port, we add the line “Listen 8000” to the file “/etc/apache2/ports.conf
  4. The Graphite Debian package already provides a configuration file for Apache, which is fine to use with slight adaptations. cp /usr/share/graphite-web/apache2- graphite.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/graphite.conf. In order for the virtual host to also use port 8000, we replace the line:
    <VirtualHost *:80>


    <VirtualHost *:8000>
  5. We can now activate the new virtual host via a2ensite graphite and restart Apache: systemctl restart apache2
  6. You should now be able to reach Graphite-web at http://YOURIP:8000/. If you cannot, the Apache log files in “/var/log/apache2/” can provide valuable information.

Configuration of Grafana

Grafana is not currently included in Debian. However, the author offers an Apt repository from which you can install Grafana. Even if the repository points to Wheezy, the packages should still function under Debian Jessie.

The repository is only accessible via https – so first, you need to install https support for apt: apt-get install apt-transport-https

Next, the repository can be integrated.

# add repo (package for wheezy works on jessie)
cat </etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list
deb wheezy main
# add key
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
# update repos
apt-get update

After this, the package can be installed: apt-get install grafana For Grafana to run we still need to activate the service systemctl enable grafana-server.service and start systemctl start grafana-server.

Grafana is now accessible at http://YOURIP:3000/. The default user name and password in our example is ‘admin’. This password should, of course, be replaced by a secure password at the earliest opportunity.

Grafana must then be configured so that it uses Graphite as a data source. For simplicity, the configuration is explained in the following screencast:

After setting up Graphite as the data source, we can create our first graph. Here is another short screencast to illustrate this:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Icinga2, Graphite and Grafana. For subsequent steps, please refer to the documentation for the specific projects:

To read more about credativ’s work with Debian, please read our Debian blogs.

The vast majority of Debian installations are simplified with the use of Preseeding and Netboot. Friedrich Weber, a school student on a work experience placement with us at our German office has observed the process and captured it in a Howto here:

Imagine the following situation: you find yourself with ten to twenty brand new Notebooks and the opportunity to install them with Debian and customise to your own taste. In any case it would be great fun to manually perform the Debian installation and configuration on each Notebook.

This is where Debian Preseed comes into play. The concept is simple and self-explanatory; usually, whoever is doing the installation will be faced with a number of issues during the process (e.g. language, partitioning, packages, Bootloader, etc.) In terms of Preseed, all of these issues can now be resolved. Only those which are not already accounted for in Preseed remain for the Debian installer. In the ideal situation these would become apparent at the outset of the installation, where the solution would differ depending on the target system and which the administrator must deal with manually – only when these have been dealt with can the installation be left to run unattended.

Preseed functions on some simple inbuilt configuration data: preseed.cfg. It includes, as detailed above, the questions which must be answered during installation, and in debconf-format. Data such as this consists of several rows, each row of which defines a debconf configuration option – a response to a question – for example:

d-i debian-installer/locale string de_DE.UTF-8

The first element of these lines is the name of the package, which is configured (d-i is here an abbreviation of debian installer), the second element is the name of the option, which is set, as the third element of the type of option (a string) and the rest is the value of the option.

In this example, we set the language to German using UTF-8-coding. You can put lines like this together yourself, even simpler with the tool debconf-get-selections: these commands provide straight forward and simple options, which can be set locally.

From the selection you can choose your desired settings, adjusted if necessary and copied into preseed.cfg. Here is an example of preseed.cfg:

d-i debian-installer/locale string de_DE.UTF-8
d-i debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select de
d-i languagechooser/language-name-fb select German
d-i countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
d-i time/zone string Europe/Berlin
d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string ntp1
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop, gnome-desktop, laptop

d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-client vim less rsync

In addition to language and timezone settings, selected tasks and packages are also set with these options. If left competely unattended, the installation will not complete, but will make a good start.

Now onto the question of where Preseed pulls its data from. It is in fact possible to use Preseed with CD and DVD images or USB sticks, but generally more comfortable to use a Debian Netboot Image, essentially an installer, which is started across the network and which can cover its Preseed configuration.

This boot across the network is implemented with PXE and requires a system that can boot from a network card. Next, the system depends on booting from the network card. It travels from a DHCO server to an IP address per broadcast.

This DHCP server transmits not only a suitable IP, but also to the IP of a so-called Bootserver. A Bootserver is a TFTP-Server, which provides a Bootloader to assist the Administrator with the desired Debian Installer. At the same time the Debian Installer can be shared with the Boot options that Preseed should use and where he can find the Preseed configuration. Here is a snippet of the PXELINUX configuration data pxelinux.cfg/default:

label i386
kernel debian-installer/i386/linux
append vga=normal initrd=debian-installer/i386/initrd.gz netcfg/choose_interface=eth0 locale=de_DE debian-installer/country=DE debian-installer/language=de debian-installer/keymap=de-latin1-nodeadkeys console-keymaps-at/keymap=de-latin1-nodeadkeys auto-install/enable=false preseed/url=http://$server/preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 -- quiet

When the user types i386, the debian-installer/i386/linux kernel (found on the TFTP server) is downloaded and run. This is in addition to a whole load of bootoptions given along the way. The debian installer allows the provision of debconf options as boot parameters. It is good practice for the installer to somehow communicate where to find the Preseed communication on the network (preseed/url).

In order to download this Preseed configuration, it must also be somehow built into the network. The options for that will be handed over (the options for the hostnames would be deliberately omitted here, as every target system has its own Hostname). auto-install/enable would delay the language set up so that it is only enabled after the network configuration, in order that these installations are read through preseed.cfg.

It is not necessary as the language set up will also be handed over to the kernel options to ensure that the network configuration is German. The examples and configuration excerpts mentioned here are obviously summarised and shortened. Even so, this blog post should have given you a glimpse into the concept of Preseed in connection with netboot. Finally, here is a complete version of preseed.cfg:

d-i debian-installer/locale string de_DE.UTF-8
d-i debian-installer/keymap select de-latin1
d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select de
d-i languagechooser/language-name-fb select German
d-i countrychooser/country-name select Germany
d-i console-setup/layoutcode string de_DE

# Network
d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto
d-i netcfg/get_hostname string debian
d-i netcfg/get_domain string
# Package mirror
d-i mirror/protocol string http
d-i mirror/country string manual
d-i mirror/http/hostname string
d-i mirror/http/directory string /debian
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
d-i mirror/suite string lenny
# Timezone
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
d-i time/zone string Europe/Berlin
d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string
# Root-Account
d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
d-i passwd/root-password password secretpassword
d-i passwd/root-password-again password secretpassword
# Further APT-Options
d-i apt-setup/non-free boolean false
d-i apt-setup/contrib boolean false
d-i apt-setup/security-updates boolean true
d-i apt-setup/local0/source boolean false
d-i apt-setup/local1/source boolean false
d-i apt-setup/local2/source boolean false
# Tasks
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop
d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-client vim less rsync
d-i pkgsel/upgrade select safe-upgrade
# Popularity-Contest
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean true

# Command to be followed after the installation. `in-target` means that the following
# Command is followed in the installed environment, rather than in the installation environment.
# Here http://$server/ nach /tmp is downloaded, enabled and implemented.
d-i preseed/late_command string in-target wget -P /tmp/ http://$server/; in-target chmod +x /tmp/; in-target /tmp/>

All Howtos of this blog are grouped together in the Howto category – and if you happen to be looking for Support and Services for Debian you’ve come to the right place at credativ.

This post was originally written by Irenie White.

The administration of a large number of servers can be quite tiresome without a central configuration management. This article gives a first introduction into the configuration management tool, Puppet.


In our daily work at the Open Source Support Center we maintain a large number of servers. Managing larger clusters or setups means maintaining dozens of machines with an almost identical configuration and only slight variations, if any. Without central configuration management, making small changes to the configuration would mean repeating the same step on all machines. This is where Puppet comes into play.
As with all configuration management tools, Puppet uses a central server which manages the configuration. The clients query the server on a regular basis for new configuration via an encrypted connection. If a new configuration is found, it is imported as the server instructs: the client imports new files, modifies rights, starts services and executes commands, whatever the server says. The advantages are obvious:

  • Each configuration change is done only once, regardless of the actual number of maintained servers. Unnecessary – and pretty boring – repetition is avoided, lucky us!
  • The configuration is streamlined for all machines, which makes it much easier to maintain.
  • A central infrastructure makes it easier to quickly get an overview about the setup – “running around” is not necessary anymore.
  • Last but not least, a central configuration tree enables you to incorporate a simple version control of your configuration: for example, playing back the configuration “PRE-UPDATE” on all machines of an entire setup only takes a couple of commands!

Technical workflow

Puppet consists of a central server, called “Puppet Master”, and the clients, called “Nodes”. The nodes query the master for the current configuration. The master responds with a list of configuration and management items: files, services which have to be running, commands which need to be executed, and so on – the possibilities are practically endless:

  • The master can hand over files which the node copies to a defined place – if it does not already exist.
  • The node is asked to check certain file and directory permissions and to correct them if necessary.
  • Depending upon the operating system, the node checks the state of services and starts or stops them. It can also check for installed packages and if they are up to date.
  • The master can force the node to execute arbitrary commands
  • etc.

Of course, in general all tasks can be fulfilled by handing over files from the master to the client. However, in more complex setups this kind of behaviour is not easily arranged, nor does it simplify the setup. Puppet’s strength is that it facilitates abstract system tasks (restart services, ensure installed packages, add users, etc.), regardless of the actual changed files in the background. You can even use the same statement in Puppet to configure different versions of Linux or Unix.


First, you need the master, the center of all the configuration you want to manage: apt-get install puppetmaster Puppet expects that all machines in the network have FQDNs – but that should be the case anyway in a well maintained network.
Other machines become a node by installing the Puppet client: apt-get install puppet

Puppet, main configuration

The Puppet nodes do not need to be configured – they will check for a machine called Puppet in the local network. As long as that name points to the master you do not have to do anything else.
Since the master provides files to the nodes, the internal file server must be configured accordingly. There are different solutions for the internal file server, depending on the needs of your setup. For example, it might be better for your setup to store all files you provide to the nodes on one place, and the actual configuration you provide to the nodes somewhere else. However, in our example we keep the files and the configuration for the nodes close, as it is outlined in Puppet’s Best Practice Guide and in the Module Configuration part of the Puppet documentation. Thus, it is enough to change the file /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf to:

allow *

Configuration of the configuration – Modules

Puppet’s way of managing configuration is to use sets of tasks grouped by topic. For example, all tasks related to SSH should go into the module “ssh”, while all tasks related to apache should be placed in the module “apache” and so on. These sets of tasks are called “Modules” and are the core of Puppet – in a perfect Puppet setup everything is defined in modules! We will explain the structure of a SSH module to highlight the basics and ideas behind Puppet’s modules. We will also try to stay close to the Best Practise Guide to make it easier to check back against the Puppet documentation.
Please note, however, that this example is an example: in a real world setup the SSH configuration would be a bit more dynamic, but we focused on simple and easy-to-understand methods.

The SSH module

We have the following requirements:

  1. The package open-ssh must be installed and be the newest version.
  2. Each node’s sshd_config file has to be the same as the one saved on the master.
  3. In the event that the sshd_config is changed on any node, the sshd service should be restarted.
  4. The user credativ needs to have certain files in his/her directory $HOME/.ssh.

To comply with these requirements we start by creating some necessary paths:

mkdir -p /etc/puppet/modules/ssh/manifests
mkdir -p /etc/puppet/modules/ssh/files

The directory “manifests” contains the actual configuration instructions of the module and the directory “files” provides the files we hand over to the clients.
The instructions themselves are written down in init.pp in the “manifests” directory. The set of instructions to fulfil aims 1 – 4 are grouped in a so called “class”. For each task a “class” has one subsection, a type. So in our case we have four types, one for each aim:

class ssh{
        package { "openssh-server":
                 ensure => latest,
        file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config":
                owner   => root,
                group   => root,
                mode    => 644,
                source  => "puppet:///ssh/sshd_config",
        service { ssh:
                ensure          => running,
                hasrestart      => true,
                subscribe       => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"],
        file { "/home/credativ/.ssh":
                path    => "/home/credativ/.ssh",
                owner   => "credativ",
                group   => "credativ",
                mode    => 600,
                recurse => true,
                source  => "puppet:///ssh/ssh",
                ensure  => [directory, present],

Each type is another task and calls another action on the node:
Here we make sure that the package openssh-server is installed in the newest version.
A file on the node is compared with the version on the server and overwritten if necessary. Also, the rights are adjusted.
Well, as the name says, this deals with services: in our case the service must be running on the node. Also, in case the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config is modified, the service is restarted automatically.
Here we have again the file type, but this time we do not compare a file, but an entire directory.

As mentioned above, the files and directories you configured so that the server provides them to the nodes must be available in the directory /etc/puppet/modules/ssh/files/.

Nodes and modules

We now have three parts: the master, the nodes and the modules. The next step is to tell the master which nodes are related to which modules. First, you must tell the master that this module exists in /etc/puppet/manifests/modules.pp:

import "ssh"

Next, you need to modify /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp. This specifies which module is loaded for which node, and which modules should be loaded as default in the event that a node does not have a special entry. The entries for the nodes support inheritance.

So, for example, to have the module “rsyslog” ready for all nodes but the module “ssh” only ready for the node “external” you need the following entry:

node default {
   include rsyslog
node 'external' inherits default {
  include ssh

Puppet is now configured!

Certificates – secured communication between nodes and master

As mentioned above, the communication between master and node is encrypted. But that implies you have to verify the partners at least once. This can be done after a node queries the master for the first time. Whenever the master is queried by an unknown node it does not provide the default configuration but instead puts the node on a waiting list. You can check the waiting list with the command: # puppetca --list To verify a node and incorporate it into the Puppet system you need to verify it: # puppetca --sign The entire process is explained in more detail in the puppet doceumentation.

Closing words

The example introduced in this article is very simple – as I noted, a real world example would be more complex and dynamic. However, it is a good way to start with Puppet, and the documentation linked throughout this article will help the willing reader to dive deeper into the components of Puppet.

We, here at credativ’s Open Source Support Center have gained considerable experience with Puppet in recent years and really like the framework. Also, in our day to day support and consulting work we see the market growing as more and more customers are interested in the framework. Right now, Puppet is in the fast lane and it will be interesting to see how more established solutions like cfengine will react to this competition.


This post was originally written by Roland Wolters.