Categories: | PostgreSQL® |
Tags: | Benchmarks planetpostgresql PostgreSQL® |
Tables that are created and dropped on demand, whether they are temporary or regular, are frequently used by application developers in PostgreSQL to simplify the implementation of various functionalities and to expedite responses. Numerous articles on the internet describe the advantages of using such tables for storing search results, precalculating figures for reports, importing data from external files, and more. One can even define a TEMP TABLE with the condition ON COMMIT DROP, allowing the system to clean up automatically. However, like most things, this solution has potential drawbacks, because size matters. A solution that functions smoothly for dozens of parallel sessions may suddenly begin to cause unexpected issues if the application is used by hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously during peak hours. Frequently creating and dropping tables and related objects, can cause significant bloat of certain PostgreSQL system tables. This is a well-known problem that many articles mention, but they often lack detailed explanations and quantification of the impact. Several pg_catalog system tables can become significantly bloated. Table pg_attribute is the most affected, followed by pg_attrdef and pg_class.
We already encountered this issue in the PostgreSQL logs of one of our clients. When the bloat of system tables became too extensive, PostgreSQL decided to reclaim free space during an autovacuum operation. This action caused exclusive locks on the table and blocked all other operations for several seconds. PostgreSQL was unable to read information about the structures of all relations. And as a result, even the simplest select operations had to be delayed until the operation was resolved. This is, of course, an extreme and rare scenario that can only occur under exceptionally high load. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of it and be able to assess if it could also happen to our database.
CREATE TEMP TABLE pivot_temp_table ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, inserted_at timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp, client_id INTEGER, name text NOT NULL, address text NOT NULL, loyalty_program BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, loyalty_program_start TIMESTAMP, orders_202301_count_of_orders INTEGER DEFAULT 0, orders_202301_total_price NUMERIC DEFAULT 0, ... orders_202312_count_of_orders INTEGER DEFAULT 0, orders_202312_total_price NUMERIC DEFAULT 0);
CREATE INDEX pivot_temp_table_idx1 ON pivot_temp_table (client_id); CREATE INDEX pivot_temp_table_idx2 ON pivot_temp_table (name); CREATE INDEX pivot_temp_table_idx3 ON pivot_temp_table (loyalty_program); CREATE INDEX pivot_temp_table_idx4 ON pivot_temp_table (loyalty_program_start);
Let’s now examine how these relations are represented in PostgreSQL system tables.
SELECT c.relname as table_name, o.rolname as table_owner, c.relkind as table_type, a.attname as column_name, a.attnum as column_number, a.atttypid::regtype as column_data_type, pg_get_expr(adbin, adrelid) as sql_command FROM pg_attrdef ad JOIN pg_attribute a ON ad.adrelid = a.attrelid AND ad.adnum = a.attnum JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = ad.adrelid JOIN pg_authid o ON o.oid = c.relowner WHERE c.relname = 'pivot_temp_table' ORDER BY table_name, column_number;
table_name | table_owner | table_type | column_name | column_number | column_data_type | sql_command ------------------+-------------+------------+-------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------- pivot_temp_table | postgres | r | id | 1 | integer | nextval('pivot_temp_table_id_seq'::regclass) pivot_temp_table | postgres | r | inserted_at | 2 | timestamp without time zone | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP pivot_temp_table | postgres | r | loyalty_program | 6 | boolean | false pivot_temp_table | postgres | r | orders_202301_count_of_orders | 8 | integer | 0 pivot_temp_table | postgres | r | orders_202301_total_price | 9 | numeric | 0 --> up to the column "orders_202312_total_price"
The pg_class table stores primary information about relations. This example will create nine rows: one for the temp table, one for the toast table, one for the toast table index, one for the ID primary key unique index, one for the sequence, and four for the custom indexes.
Our first example produced a seemingly small number of rows – 62 in pg_attribute, 27 in pg_attrdef, and 9 in pg_class. These are very low numbers, and if such a solution was used by only one company, we would hardly see any problems. But consider a scenario where a company hosts accounting software for small businesses and hundreds or even thousands of users use the app during peak hours. In such a situation, many temp tables and related objects would be created and dropped at a relatively quick pace. In the pg_attribute table, we could see anywhere from a few thousand to even hundreds of thousands of records inserted and then deleted over several hours. However, this is still a relatively small use case. Let’s now imagine and benchmark something even larger.
The creation of all these user-specific tables results in the insertion of the following number of rows into PostgreSQL system tables – pg_attribute: 173 rows, pg_class: 32 rows, pg_attrdef: 3 rows.
As the first step we provide an analysis of the business use case and traffic seasonality. Let’s imagine our retailer is active in several EU countries and targets mainly people from 15 to 35 years old. The online shop is relatively new, so it currently has 100,000 accounts. Based on white papers available on the internet, we can presume the following user activity:
Level of user’s activity | Ratio of users [%] | Total count of users | Frequency of visits on page |
very active | 10% | 10,000 | 2x to 4x per week |
normal activity | 30% | 30,000 | ~1 time per week |
low activity | 40% | 40,000 | 1x to 2x per month |
almost no activity | 20% | 20,000 | few times in year |
Since this is an online shop, traffic is highly seasonal. Items are primarily purchased by individuals for personal use. Therefore, during the working day, they check the shop at very specific moments, such as during travel or lunchtime. The main peak in traffic during the working day is between 7pm and 9pm. Fridays usually have much lower traffic, and the weekend follows suit. The busiest days are generally at the end of the month, when people receive their salaries. The shop experiences the heaviest traffic on Thanksgiving Thursday and Black Friday. The usual practice in recent years is to close the shop for an hour or two and then reopen at a specific hour with reduced prices. Which translates into huge number of relations being created and later deleted at relatively short time. The duration of a user’s connection can range from just a few minutes up to half an hour. User-specific tables are created when user logs into shop. They are later deleted by a special process that uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine whether relations already expired or not. This process involves various criteria and runs at distinct intervals, so we can see a large number of relations deleted in one run. Let’s quantify these descriptions:
Traffic on different days | Logins per 30 min | pg_attribute [rows] | pg_class [rows] | pg_attrdef [rows] |
Numbers from analysis per 1 user | 1 | 173 | 32 | 3 |
Average traffic in the afternoon | 1,000 | 173,000 | 32,000 | 3,000 |
Normal working day evening top traffic | 3,000 | 519,000 | 96,000 | 9,000 |
Evening after salary low traffic | 8,000 | 1,384,000 | 256,000 | 24,000 |
Evening after salary high traffic | 15,000 | 2,595,000 | 480,000 | 45,000 |
Singles’ Day evening opening | 40,000 | 6,920,000 | 1,280,000 | 120,000 |
Thanksgiving Thursday evening opening | 60,000 | 10,380,000 | 1,920,000 | 180,000 |
Black Friday evening opening | 50,000 | 8,650,000 | 1,600,000 | 150,000 |
Black Friday weekend highest traffic | 20,000 | 3,460,000 | 640,000 | 60,000 |
Theoretical maximum – all users connected | 100,000 | 17,300,000 | 3,200,000 | 300,000 |
Now we can see what scalability means. Our solution will definitely work reasonably on normal days. However, traffic in the evenings after people receive their salaries can be very heavy. Thanksgiving Thursday and Black Friday really test its limits. Between 1 and 2 million user-specific tables and related objects will be created and deleted during these evenings. And what happens if our shop becomes even more successful and the number of accounts grows to 500 000, 1 million or more? The solution would definitely hit the limits of vertical scaling at some points, and we would need to think about ways to scale it horizontally.
WITH tablenames AS (SELECT tablename FROM (VALUES('pg_attribute'),('pg_attrdef'),('pg_class')) as t(tablename)) SELECT tablename, now() as checked_at, pg_relation_size(tablename) as relation_size, pg_relation_size(tablename) / (8*1024) as relation_pages, a.*, s.* FROM tablenames t JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM pgstattuple(t.tablename)) s ON true JOIN LATERAL (SELECT last_autovacuum, last_vacuum, last_autoanalyze, last_analyze, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relname = t.tablename) a ON true ORDER BY tablename
tablename | pg_attribute checked_at | 2024-02-18 10:46:34.348105+00 relation_size | 44949504 relation_pages | 5487 last_autovacuum | 2024-02-16 20:07:15.7767+00 last_vacuum | 2024-02-16 20:55:50.685706+00 last_autoanalyze | 2024-02-16 20:07:15.798466+00 last_analyze | 2024-02-17 22:05:43.19133+00 n_live_tup | 3401 n_dead_tup | 188221 table_len | 44949504 tuple_count | 3401 tuple_len | 476732 tuple_percent | 1.06 dead_tuple_count | 107576 dead_tuple_len | 15060640 dead_tuple_percent| 33.51 free_space | 28038420 free_percent | 62.38
WITH pages AS ( SELECT * FROM generate_series(0, (SELECT pg_relation_size('pg_attribute') / 8192) -1) as pagenum), tuples_per_page AS ( SELECT pagenum, nullif(sum((t_xmin is not null)::int), 0) as tuples_per_page FROM pages JOIN LATERAL (SELECT * FROM heap_page_items(get_raw_page('pg_attribute',pagenum))) a ON true GROUP BY pagenum) SELECT count(*) as pages_total, min(tuples_per_page) as min_tuples_per_page, max(tuples_per_page) as max_tuples_per_page, round(avg(tuples_per_page),0) as avg_tuples_per_page, mode() within group (order by tuples_per_page) as mode_tuples_per_page FROM tuples_per_page
pages_total | 5487 min_tuples_per_page | 1 max_tuples_per_page | 55 avg_tuples_per_page | 23 mode_tuples_per_page | 28
Here, we can see that in our pg_attribute system table, we have an average of 23 tuples per page. So now we can calculate theoretical increase in size of this table for different traffic. Typical size of this table is usually only few hundreds of MBs. So theoretical bloat about 3 GB during Black Friday days is quite significant number for this table.
Logins | pg_attribute rows | data pages | size in MB |
1 | 173 | 8 | 0.06 |
1,000 | 173,000 | 7,522 | 58.77 |
3,000 | 519,000 | 22,566 | 176.30 |
15,000 | 2,595,000 | 112,827 | 881.46 |
20,000 | 3,460,000 | 150,435 | 1,175.27 |
60,000 | 10,380,000 | 451,305 | 3,525.82 |
100,000 | 17,300,000 | 752,174 | 5,876.36 |
We’ve presented a reporting example from accounting software and an example of user-specific tables from an online shop. While both are theoretical, the idea is to illustrate patterns. We also discussed the influence of high traffic seasonality on the number of inserts and deletes in system tables. We provided an example of an extremely increased load in an online shop on big sales days. We believe the results of the analysis warrant attention. It’s also important to remember that the already heavy situation in these peak moments can be even more challenging if our application is running on an instance with low disk IOPS. All these new objects would cause writes into WAL logs and synchronization to the disk. In the case of low disk throughput, there could be significant latency, and many operations could be substantially delayed. So, what’s the takeaway from this story? First of all, PostgreSQL autovacuum processes are designed to minimize the impact on the system. If the autovacuum settings on our database are well-tuned, in most cases, we won’t see any problems. However, if these settings are outdated, tailored for much lower traffic, and our system is under unusually heavy load for an extended period, creating and dropping thousands of tables and related objects in a relatively short time, PostgreSQL system tables can eventually become significantly bloated. This will already slow down system queries reading details about all other relations. And at some point, the system could decide to shrink these system tables, causing an Exclusive lock on some of these relations for seconds or even dozens of seconds. This could block a large number of selects and other operations on all tables. Based on analysis of traffic, we can conduct a similar analysis for other specific systems to understand when they will be most susceptible to such incidents. But having effective monitoring is absolutely essential.
Categories: | PostgreSQL® |
Tags: | Benchmarks planetpostgresql PostgreSQL® |